
by The Hockey Department

Field Hockey Tour Barcelona: Queenswood School

UK School on Hockey Tour in Spain

Last week Queenswood School from London was touring Barcelona.

Barcelona Hockey

During the Field Hockey Tour the girls played friendly matches against local teams. Think about Clubs like Club Deportivo and Club Egara from Terrassa. Besides playing games, they also had several coaching clinics from Spanish high performance coaches.

One of the highlights if the Field Hockey Tour was the visit of the game of the Real Club de Polo first men’s team. The play at the highest field hockey level in Spain: Divison Honor A. After the game the girls made a great picture with them!

As team activity the group enjoyed the perfect weather and Catalan culture.

Would you like to go on tour with your team or compete in a Field Hockey Tournament? Take a look at our agenda, or click here to see on which locations we provide tailor-made Field Hockey Training Camps.

hockey tour Barcelona Queenswood school


About our field hockey events

The Hockey Department’s team exists of field hockey members who almost won every medal you can win in field hockey. So our extensive network and field hockey knowledge makes we can put together your best hockey experience.

The Hockey Department organises International Field Hockey Tournaments, Training Camps and Team- and Individual Tours. We organise these Field Hockey events for teams, schools, college teams and individuals of all levels and in different age groups.

We are present in countries in Europe in The Netherlands, like for example in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht, etc. Belgium, in Mechelen, Antwerp and Brussels.  Spain, in Barcelona, Malaga, Seville, etc. And in The UK, Germany, Italy and Portugal. Our extensive network reaches from Argentina, Australia to South Africa.